July 24, 2024

For decades, air heater have been the most common choice for heating facilities such as factories, warehouses, and retail “sheds” out of the different options available. They operate by drawing air from an outside vent, heating it over a gas flame, and releasing the heated air into the intended room. It is a heating system that may be used in a variety of constructions, ranging from tiny workshops to large warehouses and commercial premises. 

Air heating is popular because it provides several substantial benefits for the majority of these structures and has also shown those benefits in a variety of applications. As a result, it’s worth considering what those advantages are. 

Energy Efficient 

A standard indirect-fired, non-condensing air heater by Tempsens may achieve minimum net efficiencies of 91%, while the newest condensing versions can achieve minimum net efficiencies of 101% (net) at both full and part load. 

Another notable advantage is that the heat input may be precisely tuned to fulfil the heating requirements of the building. When the building environment criteria are met, the air heaters, which may be designed with high, low, or modulating heat outputs, drop output automatically, resulting in a pleasant atmosphere with no noticeable temperature fluctuations. 

The output of an air heating system can typically be tailored to the load needs of the building. The same cannot often be said for alternatives such as radiant heating, where heat input is occasionally reduced to provide enough coverage of the heated zone. This is characteristic of modern, well-insulated structures. 

Air heating systems can be paired with destratification fans for even better efficiency, depending on the application. The use of destratification fans in industrial buildings with high ceilings that employ a warm air heating system can reduce energy consumption by 20%. 

Even Distribution 

Air heating systems employ a fan to extract air from the space being heated, pass it through a heat exchanger, and distribute the warmed air uniformly throughout the space. Air heating systems provide uniform distribution, as opposed to radiant heating, which only warms items in a “direct line of sight.” This makes them subject to “shading” concerns, which result in uneven heat distribution. 

Versatile Positioning 

An air heater provides significant flexibility in terms of placement, ensuring that the architecture of the heating system is suited for the design of the space being heated. They can be hung over the space, fixed to the walls, or stood on the floor. Models are available with discharge heads or louvres for direct air warming; alternatively, heaters can be chosen for connection to ducts for distribution throughout a larger area. 

For densely vegetated locations, a unique air heating method known as “air rotation heating” can be employed. These systems employ high-powered fans to transport massive volumes of air at low velocities throughout the room and are unaffected by the configuration of that space. 

Air Movement 

An air heater provides versatility in terms of air circulation. Most systems recirculate heated air within the building; however, they may also be utilised to create air circulation in the summer by working on “fan only.” Furthermore, heaters may be built with fresh air intakes, which is especially useful in dusty areas or other conditions where fresh air is considered to be useful. 

If a building has an exhaust ventilation system, it is generally a good idea to bring in replacement air via a fresh air input to the heater. As a result, the input air is warmed and tempered, eliminating cold, unpleasant draughts. 

Flexible Heat Sources 

Air heating provides a variety of heat sources to meet the needs of the application and the current energy costs. LPG, natural gas, or light fuel oil are commonly used to power air heaters. 


A heater is also highly adjustable, allowing its operation to be precisely linked with the needs of the room and therefore reducing wasted energy. For example, if some portions of the room are only utilised on occasion, it may be advantageous to zone the heating system so that these areas are not heated to the same temperature as places where people are working all day. There will also be advantages to having an optimal start and stop control to reduce energy usage. 

End Thoughts: 

This article discusses the basic benefits of air heating, but it is crucial to remember that there is no “off-the-shelf” solution that will work for every application. The intrinsic flexibility of air heating, on the other hand, allows each system to be precisely customised to the job at hand. There are additional advantages to collaborating with experts in the sector like Tempsens and utilising their expertise and experience to guarantee that the best solution is offered. 

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